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Introducing Dario Pontonutti, our loyal Supply Chain Administrator



Meet Dario, our delightful and multi-talented Italian Supply Chain Administrator. At 83, Dario is the oldest partner here at Páramo and has been with the company for an impressive 16 years! He is also extremely well-travelled, can speak several languages and met our founder, Nick Brown, at a dinner party. We asked Dario to share some of his story with us…

Tell us a bit about your life before Páramo

In May 1968, due to the political situation in Italy, where, if you were not a member of a party it was very difficult to find a job, I decided to try my luck abroad. My parents’ school friend, who was living in Australia, offered me the chance to do so. He sponsored me to go to Sydney, the antipodes of my country, and I gladly accepted.

After seven years in Australia, the nostalgia bug bit me and I returned to Italy for a few months before moving abroad again. Working with multinational companies took me to Nigeria, Botswana, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Libya, the Philippines, Iran, and Colombia (where I opened a restaurant) for the next 25 years.

I finally found the woman I had been looking for and got married! My daughter and son were born in Colombia, a beautiful country with beautiful people but with huge problems that forced me to move again after 14 years there.

The USA was my next home and after 3 years Italy called to me again. Unfortunately, it was a big mistake as the 2 years there were very hard for my family. So, my sister-in-law suggested we move to the UK and we have been happily settled here since 2005.

How did you come to work for Páramo?

I found work elsewhere when we first arrived in the UK and shortly afterwards met Nick Brown at a dinner party. I wanted to change career and successfully applied for a job at Nikwax, without knowing that Nick was the owner of the company! My knowledge of Spanish triggered a move from Nikwax to Páramo, and I am very glad to still be a part of it.

How does a typical working day unfold for you?

Working from home, which I love, my working day starts by feeding the cat, reading through emails, and translating and sharing communication from Colombia. I also deal with information and issues received from our manufacturer in Vietnam, and our suppliers in the Far East and the UK – that makes my day rather busy!

And how do you spend your down time?

Having lived most of my life in warm and hot countries, I used to spend my down time playing football, tennis, and diving in the Caribbean – activities that I have, sadly, left behind. Now, I enjoy short walks in the countryside and by the sea, and cooking, which I have always loved.

What is your favourite Páramo garment and why?

My first Páramo garment was a Cascada jacket that I am still using nowadays. It keeps me warm and dry in the cold weather and it is easy to keep clean and waterproof. I never worry about going out in a downpour as I know I will never get wet.

If you could live and work anywhere in the world, where would that be?

If I could live and work anywhere, I would choose Spain or any Caribbean country. That will be my next life milestone!

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