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Zero Footprints – join a new community

Zero Footprints Christoph Jorda

Inspired by the phenomenal response to our Zero Footprint project where every photo over a 5 year period was taken from the same location, Morag and I (Morag Paterson & Ted Leeming) have recently launched a not-for-profit web community, Zero Footprints, to act as a voice and hub for photographers across the globe exploring any theme relating to climate change.  Our objectives are simple; to showcase extraordinary photography, to raise awareness and discussion on climate change and to contribute directly to charities working in the field.

Support for the initiative has been truly amazing from professional photographers. The site already includes a diverse range of stunning images from Ulla Lohmann, Joe Cornish, Ross Hoddinott, Valda Bailey, Michael Murphy, Franz Walter, Richard Childs, Chris Friel, Rachel Talibart, Niall Benvie and Ashley Cooper, to name but a few. More names are being added to this list daily and we want the site to become an ongoing showcase for extraordinary talent in any relevant field. As such, we would now like to invite all photographers to join us and become part of the community.

There are several ways you can get involved:

Join the Facebook group: here and post any image (preferably with a caption or comment) — be it a beautiful landscape reflecting the beauty of our planet and its species or more documentary style work highlighting some of the challenges we face in trying to protect the environment. This is an inclusive open submission platform providing a forum for proactive discussion and encouragement.

Follow us on instagram: tag our page and use #zerofootprints for a chance to be featured.

Donate work to the website: where, if selected by the curation panel, it will sit alongside the work of some of the world’s leading professionals. All proceeds from the sale of these stunning prints will be donated directed to SOLARAID, a grassroots charity offering LED lighting to African communities and thus directly contributing to reducing carbon emissions. 

Contribute a series of images: with words to explain your thinking, exploring any facet of climate change including energy, waste, consumerism, transport, land use, impacts on wildlife, recycling as well as positive measures and projects that show that there are solutions. Or perhaps your own interpretation of the “Zero Footprint” theme. These portfolios will act as your “Voice” on climate change.

Consult the website: for clear and simple advice on how you can calculate and offset your own carbon footprint and details small measures anyone can take to become more sustainable. We are launching a newsletter to keep everyone updated and seeking to produce ebooks of the community’s work and run a competition to explore the various themes.

Sign up to the newsletter and email us: If you would like to keep informed and share any thoughts you may have as we want to be as inclusive as possible. So if you have your own ideas or would like to help in any way, we would love to here from you – simply contact us at

Ted Leeming & Morag Paterson

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